Participation fee

  • 7 km4.000 kr
  • 26 km8.000 kr
  • 50 km11.000 kr


  • Distances7 km, 26 km, 50 km
  • Date27. July 2024
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Pósthlaupið, the Iceland Post Trail Run, is a 50 km off-road race, through the old postal route from Stadarskáli in Hrútafjördur to Búdardalur (600 m elevation gain, 2 ITRA points). You can also run halfway, about 26 km (1 ITRA point), or the last stretch to Búdardalur, 7 km. The race will take place on Saturday, July 27th.

See video from the Posthlaupid Race in 2022.

The Route

Pósthlaupid (Iceland Post Trail Run) is a 50 km off-road race that starts at Bálkastaðir in Hrútafjördur in the west of Iceland. It is an old mailmen's route over Haukadalskard, along Haukadalur, all the way to a rough horse path near the sea and along it to the village of Búdardalur.

A 26 km (1 ITRA points) race is also an option. It starts at Kirkjufellsrétt, in Haukadalur, and follows the same route as the second part of the 50 km race.

Some may choose to run the last stretch, a 7 km race from Búdardalur Airport at Kambsnes to Búdardalur, following paths along Vesturlandsvegur, crossing Laxá River and from there towards the sea, and along the beach to Búdardalur and up Midbraut to the finish line at Post Office. The race starts when runners from the 50 km and 26 km races are expected.

Buses will transport runners from the Post Office Búdardalur to the starting points of each race.

Posthlaupid2022 18
Maps and elevation

See Google map on the bottom of this page.

Race time and buses
  • 50 km starts at 9:00 am at Balkastadir in Hrutafjordur
    A bus leaves from the Post Office in Búdardalur at 7:45 am
  • 26 km starts at 11:30 am at Kirkjufellsrétt
    A bus leaves from the Post Office in Búdardalur at 10:30 am
  • 7 km starts at 1:30 pm at the airport in Budardalur
    A bus leaves from the Post Office in Búdardalur at 1:00 pm

Registration and participation fee

Registration takes place at, see top of this page. You can register until 12:00 on Friday 28 July. Participation fees are as follows:

  • 50 km ISK 9,000 (plus a bus fare of ISK 3,000 if requested)
  • 26 km ISK 6,000 (plus a bus fare of ISK 2,000 if requested)
  • 7 km ISK 2,500 (plus a bus fare of ISK 1,000 if requested)

On July 5th, 2024, the fees will increase to ISK 11,000, ISK 8,000, and ISK 4,000.

Included in the participation fee is:

  • Timing and number
  • Tracking and security
  • Drinks and refreshments at water stations and at the finish line
  • Restroom facilities at the start of each race (50 km, 26 km, and 7 km) and at the finish line
  • Transport of baggage from the starts back to the finish line
  • Prizes (for the first three men and women), as well as raffle prizes

Bib pickup is between 11-18 on July 25-26th (Thursday and Friday) at the Hlaupár store (Fákafen 11 in Reykjavík) and on race day, July 27th, at the Post Office in Búdardalur.

Note that registration for the race ends at 12:00 on Friday 26th of July.


A bus takes runners to the start at Balkastadir, Kirkjufellsrétt and Budardalur Airport at 7:45, 10:30, 13:00). Along the way, there will be drinking stations and guards. There are toilet facilities at the finish line of the three races, as well as in Búdardalur. After the race, runners will be offered healthy refreshments from the region. More information can be found on the race's Facebook page.

Water stations

Drinking stations along the route are five, ca. at 7 km, 15 km, 24 km (race start for 26 km), 34 km and 43 km.

Water and energy drinks will be offered at the drinking stations. Runners bring their own cups or mugs, or use our complementary collapsible running cup, for drinks as disposable cups will not be available. Refreshments will be provided at the finish line at the Post Office in Búdardalur.

Guards and signs

It is easy to find your way all the way, as you run along jeep trails in the beginning and mountain roads in the second part until you get down to the main road. Then you follow the path that runs along the main road. Signs will be placed where there is a risk of someone getting lost and guards positioned at road junctions. There are many small streams along the way that are easily passable for runners and a small river (Haukadals river) where assistants will be located.


The first three men and first three women in each distance will receive prizes. All participants, both runners and volunteers, can also win prizes in a lucky draw.

ITRA points

The Iceland Post Trail Run has been evaluated by ITRA (International Trail Running Association) and assigned ITRA points:

  • 50 km = 2 ITRA points
  • 26 km = 1 ITRA point

Terms and conditions

Participants take part in the race at their own risk and do not have the right to claim against the organizer of the race due to events that occur in connection with the race. The registered participant is responsible for the race number and is not allowed to give it to others to participate in the race. Anyone who runs with a number not registered by the organizer is not a valid participant.

You can get 50% of the participation fee refunded until July 1, 2024, by sending an email to If the tournament organizer must cancel the race at short notice due to natural disasters, weather, or other unforeseeable reasons, 50% of the participation fee will be refunded. You can request a name change by sending an email to

Participants must show respect for nature, and it is not permitted to discard any rubbish on the route, except in specially designed containers at drinking stations. You must show consideration to other participants, hikers and horse riders on the way and obey the staff's instructions. Outside assistance to competitors is not permitted, except in an emergency. Participants must assist other participants in distress until other appropriate help arrives.

Participants are responsible for their own equipment and should dress according to the weather and forecast. Mandatory equipment in the longest run is the following:

  • A drinking cup or bottle for fetching water from streams and drinking stations
  • Fully charged mobile phone
  • Aluminium blanket
  • Whistle
  • Hat/buff and gloves

Participants must have their race number visible throughout the race.

The race director can expel those who do not follow the set rules from the race. The race director is also authorized to stop the race or cancel it due to external circumstances.

By registering for the race, the participant agrees to the above terms.

Accommodation and entertainment

There are numerous accommodation options and various activities available in the area, see and

Swimming pool

Runners are welcome in the swimming pool at Laugar in Saelingsdalur, which is open at 10-18 every day.

Further information

The race's Facebook page is Pósthlaupið. Further information is available from the race director, Ragnar Kristinsson (, phone +354 825 1084.

Maps and elevation

See also Google map at the bottom of this page.