Thorvaldsdalur Valley Terrain Run

Participation fee

  • 25 km15.000 kr
  • 16 km12.000 kr


  • Distances16 km, 25 km
  • Date1. July 2023
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Thorvaldsdalur Valley Terrain Run is the oldest terrain run in Iceland, held for the first time in 1994 and every year since. The run is held early July (first Saturday of July) each year in the Þorvaldsdalur Valley in northern Iceland (about 20 km north of Akureyri town). In 2023 it will be held on July 1st.

The Þorvaldsdalur Valley is peculiar in the sense that it opens in both directions, in the south to Hörgárdalur Valley and to the north to Árskógsströnd on the west coast of Eyjafjördur fjord. The run starts by an old bridge between farm Fornhagi in Hörgárdalur Valley and Dagverðartunga at ca. 90 m above sea level. The finish line is close to Árskógsskóli school at about 60 m above sea level. The total distance is ca. 25 km.

See the trail route on the bottom of this page.

Thorvaldsdalur terrain run – Full distance
  • Distance approximately 25 km
  • Registration fee is ISK 15000. Registration here at, see top of page.
  • The race starts at 12 pm and the bus (additional ISK 1000) leaves Árskógsskóli school at 11:00 am (meet up at 10:30)
  • Time registration stops at 5:00 pm.

Included in the registration fee
  • Medal and prize for three first runners in each gender
  • Gift from main sponsor, 66°N.
  • Bus from finish to start (1.000.- ISK added fee)
  • Four drinking stations
  • Ligth meal at the finish line
  • Security during the run and transport to finish in case of exhaustion

Thorvaldsdalur Terrain Run – Half distance
  • Distance approximately 16 km
  • Registration fee is ISK 12000. Registration here at, see top of page.
  • The race starts at 1 pm and the bus leaves Árskógsskóli school at 12:45 pm (meet up at 12:15)
  • Time registration stops at 5:00 pm.


Registration starts Sunday 15th of January at 20:00 and closes on Thursday the 29th of June at 20:00.

You will be refunded the registration fee until 31st of May (included) but after that no refund is available. You can change the name on your registration entry until registration finishes here at

Included in the registration fee
  • Medal and prize for three first runners in each gender
  • Gift from main sponsor, 66°N.
  • Bus from finish to start (no added fee) – obligatory, no private cars at the start!
  • Three drinking stations
  • Ligth meal at the finish line
  • Security during the run and transport to finish in case of exhaustion

Further information

More information and map of area is available at the website:

Terms of the race

Runners take part in the Thorvaldsdalur Valley Terrain Run at their own risk. The race organizers can in no way be held responsible for events that occur in connection with the race or damage that competitors may suffer or cause to others during participation in the race. The registered participant is responsible for the race number and is not allowed to give it to others to participate in the race. Anyone who runs with a race number not registered to them Thorvaldsdalur Valley Terrain Run is not a valid participant. By registering for this event, the participant confirms understanding of this and accepts the terms of the race.